print fleet optimisation

Print Fleet Optimisation

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing a print fleet can be a daunting task for large companies. With multiple printers, copiers, and multifunction devices scattered across various locations, it’s easy for inefficiencies and unnecessary costs to creep in.

However, by implementing effective print fleet optimisation strategies, businesses can streamline their printing processes, reduce expenses, and improve overall efficiency.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore proven tips and techniques to optimise your print fleet and achieve maximum productivity.

What Is Print Fleet Optimisation?

Print fleet optimisation is a strategic process that fine-tunes a company’s printing setup, improving efficiency and reducing costs.
It involves managing devices, supplies, and workflows to ensure the print environment operates at its best, aligning with business needs for enhanced productivity and savings.

Assessing Your Current Print Environment

Before diving into the optimisation process, it’s essential to assess your current print environment thoroughly. This evaluation will help you identify pain points, understand usage patterns, and determine where improvements can be made. Consider the following factors when assessing your print fleet:

1. Number and Type of Devices

Begin by taking stock of the printers, copiers, and multifunction devices in your fleet. Determine the number of each type, including their brands and models. This information will provide a clear picture of your device inventory and serve as a foundation for future optimisation efforts.

2. Usage Patterns and Workflows

Next, analyse how these devices are utilised within your organisation. Evaluate the number of users for each device and the nature of the documents being printed. Understanding usage patterns and workflows will help you identify potential bottlenecks and areas where improvements can be made.

3. Print Costs

One of the critical aspects of print fleet optimisation is gaining visibility into your print costs per page. Calculate the expenses associated with vendor contracts, toner, ink, paper, maintenance agreements, and device leases. This analysis will help you identify areas of overspending and allocate resources more efficiently.

4. Physical Placement

Consider the physical placement of your devices within your office or across multiple locations. Assess whether the current arrangement is conducive to productivity and accessibility. It may be necessary to relocate printers or copiers to more strategic positions to optimise workflow and minimise user inconvenience.

Strategies for Print Fleet Optimisation

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of your print environment, it’s time to implement strategies to optimise your fleet. By following these proven techniques, you can enhance efficiency, reduce print costs per page, and improve overall productivity.

1. Right-Sizing Your Fleet

One of the most effective ways to optimise your print fleet is by right-sizing it. This process involves matching the right machine to the appropriate location and user requirements. By analysing usage patterns and considering factors such as print volume and functionality needs, you can ensure that each device is utilised optimally.

2. Implementing Print Management Software

Print management software, can be a game-changer when it comes to controlling costs and streamlining workflows. These software solutions allow you to set rules and restrictions, such as colour printing permissions, printer selection for specific jobs, and follow-me printing capabilities. By implementing print management software, you can gain better control over print-related expenses and optimise resource allocation.

3. Follow-Me Printing

Follow-me printing is a valuable feature that allows users to print documents and retrieve them from any printer within the network. This approach not only enhances convenience but also significantly reduces unnecessary and unclaimed printouts. Studies have shown that implementing follow-me printing can lead to a reduction in print volume by more than 20%.

4. Managed Print Services

For organisations with a significant number of devices, considering managed print services can be a wise decision. A managed print service provider can help you gain a comprehensive overview of your print fleet, evaluate costs, and identify areas for improvement. These services often include toner management, device maintenance, and expert advice on optimising your print environment.

5. Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your print fleet, regular maintenance and upgrades are essential. Schedule periodic maintenance checks, firmware updates, and hardware upgrades to address any performance issues and take advantage of new features and technologies. By keeping your devices in top condition, you can maximise efficiency and minimise downtime.

6. Employee Education and Training

While implementing technological solutions is crucial, it’s equally important to educate and train your employees on print best practices. Provide guidelines on responsible printing, such as encouraging double-sided printing, using print preview to minimise errors, and promoting digital workflows where possible. By fostering a culture of responsible printing, you can reduce unnecessary printouts and promote sustainability.

print fleet

The Benefits of Print Fleet Optimisation

By implementing print fleet optimisation strategies, businesses can reap a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings: Optimising your print fleet reduces unnecessary expenses associated with paper, ink, toner, and maintenance.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and optimised device placement result in faster print times and less downtime.
  • Enhanced Security: Print management software enables secure printing and document tracking, ensuring sensitive information remains confidential. This includes contract security through a managed print agreement. Protecting your business with fixed costs.
  • Environmental Sustainability: By reducing paper waste and energy consumption, print fleet optimisation contributes to a greener, more sustainable workplace.


In conclusion, optimising your print fleet is a crucial step towards improving efficiency, reducing costs, and promoting sustainability within your organisation.

By assessing your current print environment, implementing the right strategies, and leveraging technology, you can achieve significant improvements in productivity and cost savings. Whether it’s right-sizing your fleet, implementing print management software, or educating employees on responsible printing practices, each step towards print fleet optimisation brings you closer to a more efficient and cost-effective print environment. Embrace these strategies and unlock the full potential of your print fleet today.

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