Printing Cost Per Page

If you’re reviewing your printing costs per page, speaking with a managed print expert could be the print solution you’re looking for. We can help.

The Importance of Knowing Your Printing Cost Per Page

Whether you’re managing a small business or overseeing a large corporate print fleet, understanding the cost of printing per page is crucial for effective budgeting. According to a study by Gartner, print costs typically account for 1% to 3% of a company’s overall revenue. By accurately calculating the cost per page, businesses can gain better control over their printing expenses and allocate resources more efficiently.

Factors Affecting Print Costs per Page


The type and quality of printers used greatly impact printing costs. In addition to the initial purchase or lease price, maintenance and energy costs accumulate over the printer’s lifespan, making each printed page more expensive than the previous one.


Printer consumables, such as ink cartridges and toner, significantly contribute to printing costs. The price of replacement cartridges can vary widely, and businesses must consider not only the upfront cost but also the page yield. Page yield refers to the approximate number of pages a cartridge can print before requiring replacement.


The cost of paper is another significant factor in printing expenses. While standard printer paper may cost between half a cent and two cents per sheet, premium or specialty paper can be more expensive, reaching up to ten cents per sheet. Businesses should carefully consider their paper needs and balance cost with quality.


Productivity-related costs are often overlooked when calculating printing expenses. Factors such as labour involved in maintaining the print environment, wasted worker time dealing with printing issues, and waiting for printing tasks to complete can all contribute to hidden costs.

Reducing Printing Costs per Page

Once businesses have a clear understanding of their printing costs per page, they can implement strategies to reduce expenses. Here are some effective ways to minimise printing costs without compromising productivity or quality.

Conduct a Print Assessment

Begin by conducting a thorough print assessment to understand printing patterns, identify areas of wastage, and assess the overall print environment. By analysing printing habits and identifying inefficiencies, businesses can make informed decisions to reduce costs.

Optimise Printer Inventory

Maintain a comprehensive inventory of printers and their associated supplies. By understanding the specific needs of each device, businesses can optimise the print fleet, procurement of ink, toner, and paper, avoiding wastage and unnecessary expenses.

Centralise Printing with Multifunction Devices

Consider consolidating printing, scanning, and copying functions into centralised multifunction devices. This approach eliminates the need for separate machines, reducing maintenance and energy costs associated with multiple devices.

Streamline Print Processes

Implement streamlined print processes, such as setting default print settings to black and white and double-sided printing. These simple adjustments can significantly reduce ink or toner consumption and paper usage.

Purchase Quality Cartridges

While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper ink or toner cartridges, investing in quality cartridges can yield long-term cost savings. Cheap cartridges may compromise print quality, leading to reprints and increased overall expenses.

Engage a Managed Print Service Provider

Consider partnering with a managed print service provider to analyse current print processes and identify cost-saving opportunities. These providers can offer valuable insights, optimise print environments, and help businesses reduce printing expenses.

Leverage Print Management Software

Integrate print management software, such as Papercut, to automate and streamline print-related decisions. These tools can help businesses monitor usage, control costs, and implement print policies to minimise waste.

By implementing these cost-reducing strategies, businesses can effectively manage their printing expenses and achieve long-term savings.

Calculating Printing Costs per Page

To calculate the cost per page, businesses need to consider the price of cartridges, page yield, and paper costs. By using the following formula, businesses can determine their printing expenses more accurately:

Print Costs Per Page Formula: Cartridge price / Page yield + Paper cost = Cost per page

How Can Managed Print Solutions Reduce Your Print Per Page Costs?

Managed print services (MPS) are instrumental in curtailing print costs per page through strategic initiatives. Firstly, MPS optimises the printer fleet by eliminating surplus devices, ensuring their efficient use.

Cost controls, such as print quotas and duplex printing, are enforced to manage consumable usage effectively. Proactive maintenance and monitoring prevent costly downtimes, extending the lifespan of printing equipment. Energy-efficient devices recommended by MPS contribute to ongoing cost savings. Streamlining document workflows reduces unnecessary prints, enhancing overall efficiency.

MPS encourages the transition to digital processes, minimising reliance on paper documents. Through these integrated approaches, managed print services enable organisations to achieve a more cost-effective and sustainable printing environment while maintaining operational efficiency.

Ready to Reduce Your Print Cost Per Page?

Request a Free Print Audit today and discover how Managed Print Experts can reduce your print cost per page. From cost efficiency to enhanced security, our expert solutions ensure that your corporate printing aligns seamlessly with your business objectives. Your corporate success, our managed expertise!