managed print maintenance

Managed Print Services

In today’s fast-paced business world, organisations are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. One area that often goes overlooked is print management. But, what are managed print services?

The task of installing and maintaining a fleet of printers can be time-consuming and costly. That’s where Managed Print Services (MPS) come in. But what exactly are Managed Print Services, and how can organisations benefit from them? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the concept of Managed Print Services and explore the numerous advantages they offer.

Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services (MPS) are comprehensive programs offered by print providers to manage an organisation’s printing devices, including scanners, faxes, and copiers.

Introduction to Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services (MPS) are comprehensive programs offered by print providers to manage an organisation’s printing devices, including scanners, faxes, and copiers. These services aim to improve efficiency, productivity, and information security by monitoring usage, replacing consumables, and meeting the organisation’s printing needs. Through MPS, organisations can streamline their print operations, reduce costs, and optimise their printing environment.

Traditional print management often involves a sporadic approach, resulting in inefficiencies and high maintenance costs. With Managed Print Services, organisations can take a more strategic and proactive approach to their print setup. By partnering with a print provider, they can benefit from expert guidance, ongoing support, and access to the latest print technology.

Who Can Benefit From Managed Print Services?

Any company with a reasonable usage of print can benefit from managed print services. Whether the industry is education, such as schools. Or, a large corporate who requires a full print audit across their sites.

The Benefits of Managed Print Services

Save Time and Improve Efficiency

One of the significant advantages of Managed Print Services is the ability to save time and improve efficiency within an organisation. The process of printing, scanning, copying, and faxing documents on outdated hardware or poorly configured software can be time-consuming and frustrating for employees. MPS identifies and addresses these issues, streamlining the print workflow and reducing the hidden waste of employees’ time spent on print-related tasks.

By implementing MPS, organisations can free up staff time, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day maintenance tasks. With clear management reports and visibility into print usage and costs, employees can work more efficiently, ensuring an uninterrupted service for customers.

Reduce Costs and Save Money

Another significant benefit of Managed Print Services is the potential for cost reduction and savings. The sporadic approach to print setup and maintenance can lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses. MPS offers a more strategic and cost-effective solution by identifying areas for improvement, streamlining hardware and consumables, and leveraging economies of scale.

By conducting a thorough print audit and assessment, organisations can identify opportunities to consolidate their print devices, reducing maintenance costs and freeing up valuable space. By centralising print management and utilising a cloud-based system, MPS providers can ensure just-in-time delivery of replacement toners and repairs, minimising downtime and reducing costs associated with stockpiling unused inventory.

Furthermore, MPS providers often offer flexible payment options, such as pay-per-page print models with leased hardware. This approach allows organisations to reduce capital expenditure and improve cash flow by avoiding large upfront costs. Real-time usage dashboards and forecasting tools provided by MPS providers enable organisations to manage their print budget effectively.

Improve Productivity in Your Organisation

Managed Print Services can significantly improve productivity within an organisation. By tailoring print programs to specific departments’ needs, MPS providers can ensure that employees have access to the printing capabilities required for their work. This may include printing from mobile devices, printing specialised document sizes and formats, or enabling off-site printing.

Additionally, MPS often includes hardware upgrades and staff training, ensuring that employees have access to the latest technology and are proficient in its use. By providing ongoing support and guidance, MPS providers help organisations stay agile and adapt to changing workplace technology.

Reduce Capital Expenditure and Improve Cash Flow

The cost of purchasing and maintaining a fleet of print devices can be a significant financial burden for organisations. Managed Print Services offer flexible payment options that reduce capital expenditure and improve cash flow. Leasing hardware and adopting pay-per-page print models allow organisations to avoid large upfront costs and pay only for the printing they actually use.

By partnering with an MPS provider, organisations can enjoy the benefits of updated print technology without the need for frequent hardware purchases. This not only reduces costs but also ensures access to cutting-edge technology that enhances productivity and efficiency.

Reduce Your Environmental Footprint

In today’s environmentally conscious world, reducing the environmental impact of print operations is a top priority for many organisations. Managed Print Services can help organisations reduce their environmental footprint by optimising print usage, minimising waste, utilising Eco-friendly printing, and promoting sustainable practices.

Through print monitoring and reporting, MPS providers can identify areas of excessive print usage and implement strategies to reduce paper consumption. Defaulting to duplex printing and implementing secure printing practices, such as “follow-me” printing, can significantly reduce paper waste. MPS providers also encourage the use of energy-efficient devices and consumables, contributing to overall energy savings.

By actively managing print operations and promoting sustainable practices, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility and reduce their carbon footprint.

Be More Agile

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, agility is key to staying competitive. Managed Print Services enable organisations to be more agile by providing ongoing support, strategic guidance, and access to the latest print technology.

Through regular assessments and optimisation, MPS providers ensure that organisations can adapt their print environment to meet changing needs. This includes incorporating mobile printing capabilities, implementing document workflow solutions, and leveraging cloud-based print management systems.

Improve Your Information Security

Information security is a critical concern for organisations of all sizes. Managed Print Services can play a vital role in enhancing information security by identifying and mitigating print-related security risks.

Through comprehensive print assessments, MPS providers can identify vulnerabilities in an organisation’s print environment. This includes addressing document security, preventing unauthorised access to print jobs, and implementing secure printing practices. MPS providers may recommend sign-in procedures, waste disposal protocols, and network-level solutions to protect sensitive information.

By adopting MPS, organisations can minimise the risk of data breaches and intellectual property theft. Ongoing audits and improvements ensure that information security remains a top priority and that print-related vulnerabilities are continually addressed.

How Do Managed Print Services Work?

Managed Print Services typically involve three main phases: assessment, optimisation, and management. These phases ensure that organisations receive a tailored print solution that meets their specific needs and continues to deliver value over time.

Assessment Phase

The assessment phase is the initial step in implementing a Managed Print Service. During this phase, the MPS provider conducts a comprehensive review of the organisation’s current print environment. This includes physical print audits, on-site surveys, and analysis of print volumes and costs.

The assessment phase also involves gathering information about the organisation’s print requirements, document workflow, and information security policies. One-to-one interviews with end-users may be conducted to gain insights into their specific needs and challenges.

The outcome of the assessment phase is a detailed report that outlines the findings and recommendations for improving the organisation’s print setup. This report serves as a roadmap for optimising print operations and achieving cost savings.

Optimisation Phase

The optimisation phase focuses on implementing the recommendations outlined in the assessment report. This phase involves rationalising and consolidating print devices to reduce device-to-user ratios and improve overall efficiency.

Print management policies are established during the optimisation phase to set controls and rules for printing and copying. This includes defining user access rights, implementing secure printing practices, and promoting responsible print behaviour.

Outdated and inefficient printers may be replaced with modern multifunctional devices (MFDs) that offer enhanced functionality and energy efficiency. The optimisation phase also presents an opportunity to fully utilise existing consumables and gradually phase out uneconomical printers.

Management Phase

The management phase of a Managed Print Service ensures ongoing support, monitoring, and optimisation of the print environment. This phase involves continuous account management, regular business reviews, and remote device monitoring.

Software tools provided by the MPS provider generate management reports and insights into print trends, costs per user, and departmental print requirements. This data enables organisations to monitor their print usage, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about print-related policies and investments.

The management phase within the managed print agreement also includes service level agreement (SLA) monitoring, proactive maintenance, and support. Regular communication between the organisation and the MPS provider ensures that the Managed Print Service continues to meet the organisation’s evolving needs and delivers the expected benefits.

Choosing a Managed Print Service Provider

When selecting a Managed Print Service provider, organisations should consider several factors to ensure a successful partnership and achieve the desired outcomes. These factors include management buy-in, expertise, device support, service level agreements (SLAs), measurement and reporting, payment plans, change management, and sustainability.

Management Buy-In

Implementing a Managed Print Service requires buy-in from key stakeholders within the organisation, including IT, facilities, and procurement. A clear sponsorship structure should be established, mapping roles and responsibilities within the organisation to the Managed Print provider.

MPS Expertise

It is essential to assess the expertise and track record of potential MPS providers. Look beyond equipment provision and consider whether the provider can offer a comprehensive solution that integrates hardware, software, training, and support. An independent supplier can provide valuable advice in this selection process.

Device Support

Consider whether the MPS provider supports a wide range of devices, including third-party manufacturers. This ensures that existing equipment can be retained and that service is available for multi-vendor devices. The provider should have a clear upgrade policy for existing devices.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

A comprehensive assessment should lead to the establishment of SLAs between the organisation and the MPS provider. These SLAs should define key performance indicators, technology roadmaps, support plans, and service offerings. Regular reporting should be provided to monitor SLA compliance and identify areas for improvement.

Measurement and Reporting

The MPS provider should offer robust measurement and reporting capabilities to track print usage, costs, and requirements. These insights enable organisations to make data-driven decisions and optimise their print operations effectively.

Payment Plans

Flexible payment plans, such as pay-per-page models, should be considered to improve cash flow and avoid upfront hardware costs. The MPS provider should offer transparent billing that covers all print devices, consumables, and volumes.

Change Management

The implementation of a Managed Print Service often requires organisational change. Employees should be involved and educated about the objectives and the changes in their printing practices. The MPS provider should have established change management methodologies and processes to support this transition.


Consider whether the MPS provider incorporates sustainability practices into their service. An effective Managed Print Strategy can significantly reduce an organisation’s environmental footprint through reduced energy consumption and lower paper usage. Sustainability should be a part of the overall platform that supports business process transformation.


In conclusion, Managed Print Services offer significant benefits to organisations of all sizes. By partnering with a print provider, organisations can save time, reduce costs, improve productivity, and enhance information security. Managed Print Services streamline print operations, optimise hardware and consumables, and provide ongoing support and guidance.

Choosing the right Managed Print Service provider is crucial for a successful partnership, and whether managed print services are worth it for you. Factors such as management buy-in, expertise, device support, SLAs, measurement and reporting, payment plans, change management, and sustainability should be considered when making this decision.

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