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What Does A Managed Print Service Do?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. One area that often goes overlooked is print management. Many businesses are unaware of the potential savings and efficiency improvements that can be achieved through a Managed Print Service (MPS). But, what does a Managed Print Service do?

Key Takeaways

A managed print service (MPS) is a solution for businesses that involves looking after their print machines including servicing and copy numbers.

Understanding Managed Print Services

In simple terms, an MPS is an all-in-one solution provided by a service provider that takes care of managing and optimising your business’s printing infrastructure.

This includes services such as:

  • Print device setup and configuration
  • Printer and photocopier maintenance and repairs
  • Monitoring and management of ink and toner levels
  • Print fleet optimisation
  • Document management solutions
  • Corporate print solutions
  • Security enhancements
  • Cost optimisation and savings

By outsourcing print management to an MPS provider, businesses can save valuable time and resources by ensuring their printing services are always operational without the need for in-house staff to handle these tasks. The goal of an MPS is to make printing a seamless and efficient process, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

The Benefits of Managed Print Solutions

Implementing a Managed Print Service offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

1. Enhanced Security and GDPR Compliance

Data security is a top priority for businesses, and this extends to print environments as well. Printers can pose a significant security risk, both in terms of physical documents being left unattended and vulnerability to cyber-attacks. With an MPS, businesses can improve security and ensure GDPR compliance through features such as:

  • Secure printing, where employees must authenticate print jobs at the printer before documents are printed, reducing the risk of sensitive information being left unattended.
  • Watermarking, digital signatures, and user tracking, which provide detailed information about print jobs, including the date, time, printer, and author, enabling better oversight of printing activities.
  • Easy erasing of past users’ data to comply with GDPR regulations.

2. Cost Savings and Optimisation

Managed print services can help businesses cut costs and optimize their printing infrastructure. By consolidating and optimising print devices, businesses can reduce the number of devices per employee, leading to cost savings in terms of hardware, maintenance, and consumables. MPS providers can also analyse print usage and make recommendations to minimize waste and improve cost efficiency.

3. Time Savings and Increased Productivity

With an MPS, businesses no longer need to allocate internal resources to manage and maintain their print infrastructure. This frees up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks. Additionally, MPS providers offer ongoing support and maintenance, ensuring that print services are always operational and minimising downtime, leading to increased productivity.

4. Reduced Environmental Impact

Sustainability is a growing concern for businesses, and managed print services can contribute to reducing the environmental footprint associated with printing. MPS providers offer energy-efficient printers, eco-friendly printing, and advocate for sustainable printing practices such as duplex printing and secure print release, which help reduce paper waste. By implementing MPS, businesses can align their print operations with eco-friendly practices.

5. Flexibility and Scalability

As businesses grow and their needs change, managed print services can adapt to accommodate these changes. MPS providers offer flexible solutions that can scale with the business, ensuring that print services remain efficient and cost-effective. Whether it’s adding new devices, integrating new software, or adjusting print policies, an MPS can easily adapt to meet evolving requirements.

what does a managed print service do

Key Components of Managed Print Services

To better understand the inner workings of an MPS, let’s break down the key components:

1. Assessment

The first step in implementing an MPS is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the current print environment. This includes a physical print audit, on-site surveys, and interviews with end-users to gather data on print volumes, device locations, and costs. The assessment helps identify areas for improvement and provides recommendations for optimizing the print fleet.

2. Optimisation

Once the assessment is complete, you’ll agree to a Managed Print agreement. Following this, the MPS provider works on optimising the print environment. This involves rationalising and consolidating print devices to achieve a balanced deployment. Outdated and inefficient printers may be replaced with multifunctional devices (MFDs) to reduce power consumption and streamline operations. Print management policies are also implemented to set controls and rules for copying and printing.

3. Management

The management phase of an MPS involves continuous monitoring, maintenance, and support. MPS providers use software tools to generate management reports and gather data on print trends, costs, and usage. Regular business reviews and service level agreement monitoring ensure that the MPS is delivering the expected savings and performance. Remote management capabilities enable proactive maintenance and issue resolution.


In summary, a Managed Print Service is a comprehensive solution that allows businesses to optimize their print operations, reduce print cost per page, enhance security, and improve productivity. By outsourcing print management to an MPS provider, businesses can focus on their core operations while benefiting from ongoing support, cost savings, and environmental sustainability. If your business is looking to streamline print operations and maximise efficiency, exploring the benefits of a Managed Print Service is a worthwhile endeavour.

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