When is the right time to get a managed print service

When is the right time to get a managed print service?

Is your organisation drowning in paper and printing costs? Are you constantly troubleshooting printer issues instead of focusing on your core business? It may be time to consider a managed print service.

A managed print service (MPS) is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses optimise their print infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve productivity. With MPS, a third-party provider takes care of all your printing needs, from supplying and servicing the printers to managing print workflows and providing ongoing support.

But when is the right time to get a managed print service? The answer lies in assessing your current print environment and identifying pain points and inefficiencies. If you find yourself spending excessive time and money on print-related tasks, experiencing frequent printer breakdowns, or struggling to keep track of your printing expenses, then it’s probably time to make the switch to MPS.

In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate you’re ready for a managed print service. We’ll also discuss the benefits of MPS and how to choose the right provider for your organisation. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of managed print services.

When is the right time to get a managed print service?

Consider a managed print service when your printing needs become complex, costs are escalating, or you’re seeking improved security and efficiency.

It’s beneficial when you want professional oversight, proactive maintenance, and cost-effective management of your print environment to enhance productivity and reduce expenses.

Signs that indicate the need for a managed print service

Managing printing infrastructure can be a daunting task, especially for businesses with high print volumes. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to consider a managed print service:

1. Excessive time spent on print-related tasks

If your employees are spending too much time on print-related tasks, such as troubleshooting printer issues, ordering supplies, and managing print workflows, it’s a clear sign that your print environment needs optimisation. A managed print service can take these responsibilities off your employees’ shoulders, allowing them to focus on more strategic and revenue-generating activities.

2. Frequent printer breakdowns

Printer breakdowns can significantly impact productivity and disrupt business operations. If your printers are constantly breaking down or requiring repairs, it’s a sign that they are not being properly maintained. A managed print service provider can ensure regular maintenance and timely repairs, minimising downtime and maximising printer uptime.

3. Lack of visibility and control over printing costs

Printing costs can quickly spiral out of control if not properly managed. If you’re struggling to keep track of your printing expenses, it’s time to consider a managed print service. MPS providers offer comprehensive print management software that allows you to monitor and control printing costs, set print quotas, and implement rules to encourage responsible printing behaviour.

4. Inefficient print workflows

Inefficient print workflows can lead to unnecessary printing, wasted resources, and increased costs. If your organisation lacks streamlined print workflows, a managed print service can help optimise and automate your printing processes. MPS providers can assess your current workflows, identify bottlenecks, and implement solutions to improve efficiency and reduce waste.

5. Inadequate print security

Print security is a critical consideration for businesses, especially those dealing with sensitive information. If you’re concerned about data breaches or unauthorised access to printed documents, a managed print service can enhance your print security measures. MPS providers can implement secure print solutions, such as user authentication and encryption, to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Benefits of using a managed print service

Now that we’ve identified the signs that indicate the need for a managed print service, let’s explore the benefits of implementing MPS in your organisation:

1. Cost savings

One of the primary benefits of using a managed print service is cost savings. MPS providers can help you reduce printing costs per page through various strategies, such as optimising print fleet, implementing print rules and quotas, and monitoring print usage. By reducing unnecessary printing and optimising print workflows, you can significantly lower your overall corporate printing solution expenses.

2. Improved productivity

By offloading print-related tasks to a managed print service provider, your employees can focus on more critical business activities, improving overall productivity. MPS providers can handle printer maintenance, troubleshooting, and supply management, ensuring that your print infrastructure operates smoothly without causing disruptions.

3. Enhanced print security

Print security is a growing concern for businesses, and a managed print service can help address this issue. MPS providers can implement secure print solutions, such as user authentication and encryption, to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access. This ensures compliance with data protection regulations and mitigates the risk of data breaches. One method to achieve this is Follow Me Printing.

4. Simplified print management

Managing a print infrastructure can be complex, especially for organisations with multiple locations or remote employees. A managed print service simplifies print management by centralising print control and providing a single point of contact for all print-related issues. This streamlines print workflows, improves efficiency, and reduces administrative overhead.

5. Environmental sustainability

Implementing a managed print service can also contribute to your organisation’s environmental sustainability efforts. MPS providers can help you reduce paper waste through print optimisation strategies, such as duplex printing and print rules. Additionally, they can recycle printer cartridges and responsibly dispose of outdated or non-functioning printers, reducing your environmental footprint. This is known as Eco Friendly Printing.

Cost savings with managed print services

One of the key drivers for adopting a managed print service is the potential for significant cost savings. Let’s explore the different ways in which MPS can help reduce your printing expenses:

1. Print fleet optimisation

A managed print service provider will assess your current print fleet and recommend the optimal number and type of printers for your organisation’s needs. By right-sizing your print fleet, you can eliminate unnecessary printers, reduce maintenance costs, and lower energy consumption.

2. Print rules and quotas

MPS providers can implement print rules and quotas to control and monitor print usage. By setting print quotas for individual users or departments, you can encourage responsible printing behaviour and reduce excessive printing. Print rules, such as defaulting to duplex printing or black and white printing, can further reduce paper and ink consumption.

3. Proactive maintenance and timely repairs

Printer breakdowns can be costly, both in terms of repair expenses and productivity losses. With a managed print service, you can ensure regular maintenance and timely repairs, minimising the risk of unexpected breakdowns and reducing downtime. Proactive maintenance also extends the lifespan of your printers, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

4. Consolidated purchasing and supply management

MPS providers can consolidate your purchasing and supply management processes, ensuring that you get the best prices for printer consumables and minimising wasteful spending. By centralising the ordering and delivery of supplies, you can eliminate duplicate orders, reduce inventory carrying costs, and streamline the procurement process.

5. Print usage monitoring and reporting

Comprehensive print management software provided by MPS providers allows you to monitor and track print usage across your organisation. This visibility enables you to identify areas of excessive printing, implement cost-saving measures, and allocate printing costs to the appropriate departments or projects. By analysing usage reports, you can make data-driven decisions to optimise your print environment further.

How to determine if your business is ready for a managed print service

Now that we’ve explored the signs that indicate the need for a managed print service and the benefits it offers, how do you determine if your business is ready to make the switch? Here are some factors to consider:

1. Print volume and complexity

If your organisation has a high print volume or complex print requirements, such as multiple locations or remote employees, a managed print service can help streamline and optimise your print environment. MPS providers specialise in managing large-scale print infrastructures and can handle the complexities associated with such setups.

2. Printing costs and budget constraints

If your printing costs are spiralling out of control or if you have budget constraints, a managed print service can help reduce expenses and provide cost predictability. MPS providers can analyse your current printing costs, identify areas for improvement, and propose strategies to optimise your print environment within your budget constraints.

3. IT resources and expertise

Managing a print infrastructure requires IT resources and expertise. If your IT team is already stretched thin or lacks the necessary knowledge and skills to handle print-related tasks effectively, a managed print service can provide the necessary support. MPS providers have dedicated print experts who can handle all aspects of print management, allowing your IT team to focus on core IT responsibilities.

4. Security and compliance requirements

If your organisation deals with sensitive information or operates in a regulated industry, print security and compliance are critical considerations. A managed print service can help you implement secure print solutions, such as user authentication and encryption, to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

5. Scalability and future growth

If your organisation is experiencing rapid growth or has plans for expansion, a managed print service can scale with your business. MPS providers have the infrastructure and expertise to handle growing print volumes and can adapt their services to meet your evolving needs. This scalability ensures that your print environment remains optimised and efficient, regardless of your organisation’s size.

Factors to consider when choosing a managed print service provider

Choosing the right managed print service provider is crucial to the success of your print optimisation efforts. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating potential MPS providers:

1. Expertise and experience

Look for a managed print service provider with extensive expertise and experience in managing print infrastructures similar to yours. Consider their track record and client testimonials to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet your organisation’s specific needs.

2. Service offerings and capabilities

Evaluate the range of services and capabilities offered by the MPS provider. Do they provide end-to-end print management, including printer supply and maintenance? Can they handle complex print environments, such as multiple locations or remote employees? Ensure that their service offerings align with your organisation’s requirements.

3. Print management software

Comprehensive print management software is essential for effective print optimisation. Assess the MPS provider’s print management software capabilities, such as print usage monitoring, reporting, and cost allocation. The software should be user-friendly, customisable, and provide actionable insights to help you make informed decisions.

4. Customer support and service level agreements (SLAs)

Prompt and reliable customer support is crucial when dealing with print-related issues. Evaluate the MPS provider’s customer support capabilities and SLAs to ensure that they can provide timely assistance when needed. Look for providers that offer 24/7 support and have a reputation for excellent customer service.

5. Pricing and contract terms

Consider the pricing structure and contract terms offered by the MPS provider. Are they transparent about their pricing and billing methods? Do they offer flexible contract options that align with your organisation’s needs? It’s important to evaluate the financial aspects of the partnership to ensure it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.

6. Security and compliance

Print security and compliance should be top priorities for your organisation. Assess the MPS provider’s security measures and certifications to ensure they can meet your organisation’s specific requirements. Look for providers that offer secure print solutions, data encryption, and compliance with industry regulations, such as GDPR.

7. References and case studies

Ask the MPS provider for references and case studies of businesses similar to yours that have benefited from their services. This will give you insights into their ability to deliver results and their overall client satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to reach out to their existing clients to get firsthand feedback on their experiences.

Implementing a managed print service in your business

Once you’ve selected a managed print service provider, it’s time to implement the service in your organisation. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Print infrastructure assessment

The MPS provider will conduct a thorough assessment of your current print infrastructure, including hardware, software, and workflows. This assessment will help identify areas for improvement and optimisation.

2. Solution design and implementation

Based on the assessment, the MPS provider will design a tailored solution to address your organisation’s specific needs. This may involve hardware upgrades, software implementation, and workflow optimisation. The implementation process will be carried out in collaboration with your organisation’s IT team.

3. Employee training and change management

To ensure a smooth transition to the managed print service, it’s essential to provide adequate training to your employees. The MPS provider should offer training sessions to familiarise your staff with the new print environment and any changes in workflows or processes.

4. Ongoing support and monitoring

Once the managed print service is implemented, the MPS provider will provide ongoing support and monitoring. This includes printer maintenance, troubleshooting, and supply management. Regular performance reviews should be conducted to ensure that the service is meeting your organisation’s expectations.

5. Continuous improvement and optimisation

A managed print service is not a one-time solution. It requires continuous improvement and optimisation to adapt to changing business needs. Work closely with the MPS provider to review performance metrics, identify areas for further optimisation, and implement new strategies to maximise the benefits of the service.

Common misconceptions about managed print services

As with any service, there are several misconceptions surrounding managed print services. Let’s debunk some of the common myths:

1. Managed print services are only for large organisations

While managed print services are often associated with large enterprises, businesses of all sizes can benefit from them. In fact, small and medium-sized businesses can achieve significant cost savings and productivity improvements by outsourcing their print management to an MPS provider.

2. Managed print services are expensive

While there are costs associated with implementing a managed print service, the potential cost savings outweigh the expenses in the long run. MPS providers can help you optimise your print environment, reduce printing costs, and improve productivity, resulting in a positive return on investment.

3. Managed print services are one-size-fits-all

Managed print services are highly customisable to meet the unique needs of each organisation. MPS providers assess your current print environment, understand your business requirements, and tailor the service accordingly. This ensures that you receive a solution that aligns with your organisation’s specific goals and objectives.

4. Managed print services eliminate the need for in-house IT support

While a managed print service provider takes care of print-related tasks, it doesn’t eliminate the need for in-house IT support entirely. Your IT team will still be responsible for network connectivity, security, and integration of the print infrastructure with other systems. However, the burden of print management will be significantly reduced, allowing your IT team to focus on strategic IT initiatives.

5. Managed print services are only about printers

While printers are a significant component of managed print services, the service encompasses much more. MPS providers offer comprehensive print management solutions that include software, workflows, supplies, and ongoing support. It’s a holistic approach to optimising your print environment and improving overall efficiency.

Final Thoughts

So, when is it the right time to use a managed print service? Well, if your organisation struggles with paper overload and rising printing costs, it’s time to consider a Managed Print Service (MPS). MPS optimises infrastructure, cuts costs, and enhances productivity.

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